Housing corporations: Recommendation or nomination rules

  • Go to the website of the Housing Corporation you have closed your current lease and go to the option to cancel your lease online (huur opzeggen) or write a letter.
  • Write your comments or add in an attachment name and birth date (registration number Maastricht Housing) of the nominee who wants to take over your house/room and fill in any other desired information.
  • The nomination is namely only to be considered if the rental cancellation is received!
    You may only nominate someone if you cancel your rent simultaneously!
    The housing consultant checks the data and conditions to which that nominee must meet.
  • The final allocation / rejection will be made by the housing consultant.
    Both you and the nominated receive a mail with further information and  instruction.

Note: At all times the Corporations are reserved to determine whether a nomination is approved or rejected.
An advantage may be that in times of vacancy they are less strict with the minimum entry times and conditions!


  • On the date of commencement, the nominee must have been registered with Maastrichthousing for 6, 12 or 24 months depending on the postal code and type of accommodation.
  • Active member of Maastrichthousing.
  • Only for students/masters phd's.


  • With the exception of Conservatory students! They can always take an option for all (special) Conservatory housing/units!
    However, if simultaneous multiple candidates opt for the same housing, including the conservatory units, the housing consultant takes this into account and gives priority to the one with the longest registration time.


Postal codes

TYPE:  Room minimum


TYPE:  Studio/apartment


6211 and 6221

12 months

24 months

All other postal codes

6 months

12 months